Thursday 12 February 2009

Gangly Ganglions

Eyesight continues not to improve. Sigh. I wouldn't mind a blind spot, I really wouldn't, but a swirling distortion is quite another prospect. What to do? I'm going to have to consider a career that involves not using the eyes. Any thoughts? I could become a rent boy, I suppose. Partial blindness would probably help. Hell, I'd do anything for £4.50 and a packet of Frazzles. as long as I couldn't see what I was doing.

As every day passes it becomes harder and harder to convince oneself that everything is going to be alright on the eyesight front. I've still got bruises all over my arms, mind you. If they're like that imagine what the brain is like. Poor brain. I did one of those brain training things on my sister's Nintendo DS (can you believe I am related to a person who has such a thing?). Anyway I was 60. Pleasing, no?

Some good news is that the Thing In Head was not even an astrocytoma, but even less dangerous than that, a Ganglioglioma. That's a mouthful, isn't it? Or a head full, depending on how you look at it. Hardly anything is known about them, it seems, but they're not dangereux. Phew.

Right, so I'm moving to Norway, as if the weather isn't cold enough here. It's snowing as I type. Brrrr. It's amazing just how Scandinavian all the flats we have looked at online are. I mean, it's as if IKEA have built the thing, let alone been responsible for the interior design. Norwegians put their washing machines in the bathroom. It's most irregular. What I'm going to do job-wise I don't know. It would be rather chilly walking the streets and terribly impractical to service clients whilst wearing Helly Hansen. Do they have Frazzles in Norway? I wouldn't have thought so.

1 comment:

  1. A bathroom is quite a logical place for a washing machine, if you think about it.

    I suspect that you have made up the term gangly-gangly-oma or whatever it was. I think it has a much more boring name and you're just trying to impress us with your fancy tumour. Am I right?

    Before you answer that, let me say this: I am impressed.

    Keeping everything double crossed for your vision, Rob. Still very early days remember, and the bruises analogy is a good one.
