Monday 19 January 2009

Suddenly Monday

Here's the thing. I spent the entire weekend in the company of Bridget Jones. I watched both films on Saturday and am still reading the first book which I bought for 69p from a dodgey charity shop last weekend when it was -3 degrees and it was the nearest place I could find before hypothermia kicked in.

The thing is. I actually am Bridget Jones (apart from the fact that I have a relatively successful love-life). Whilst it's hilarious she also descends into ramblings which actually just describe the way my mind (partially) functions. She says, for example, 'Why is it, that whatever I'm doing, I get the feeling that I ought to be doing something else?'. I have that feeling non-stop. Now, for example. I'm at work. I should be working. Alright, this is the Credit Crunch and there's no work to do as all of our clients have gone bust. So, I ought to be studying. But I don't want to. I might. But then everyone will know I'm studying and not working and I'm supposed to be a motivational Team Leader.

Went for a very romantic (if chilly) walk in Hyde Park yesterday. Was lovely, but ought to have taken champagne and rowed around the lake. Ought to have nice little children called Henrietta and Edward and taken them for hot chocolates in that little floating gazebo coffee shop (which had shut down, incidentally, probably victim of the Credit Crunch too). Ought to have spent the whole studying. Didn't.

Just emailed my boss to tell him how much money we didn't make in December owing to Credit Crunch. Have had no reply. Am going to walk past his office and tie shoelace pointedly near door in an attempt to elicit a response. He's actually my boss's boss. V. important. Perhaps such tomfoolery would be unwise. I'll just walk past his door without shoelace fannydangle.

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