Monday 18 May 2009

Gloria in Excelsis Deo

Well, Monday morning. What could be better than the notion that I'm waiting to go in to my land law exam. Sigh. Only moderately shitting a brick. A half-brick, you might say. Four hours of misery. Being a learning support student I am in a different building - in fact in an entirely different area of London to all of the normal people. Worryingly, the room number I'm in is 2:2. Let's hope that's not an indication of what my performance is likely to be.

It's at times like these I look to Gloria Hunniford for guidance and support. I had thought of bringing her autobiography to the exam, but as far as I could see it wasn't in the list of permitted materials. Let's just hope that the fact that I have copied her hairstyle will be enough to get me through any low moments should the question on co-ownership be a challenge.

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